09/2021 - 03/2023
A project that lived its purpose and expanded a much needed conversation on the roles of copyright and ownership when it comes to art!
We find ourselves here in the highest planes of Olympus.
Dike, daughter of Zeus and Themis, because of her integrity and impartiality called Justice.
With the web and technology as the architects of a Golden Age 2.0, we bring her back to us humans, on Earth, to question her and trust her.
We could only do it through Art.

Justice, always depicted with a blindfold, to which are added a scale and that sword that in Hackatao's vision appears in the guise of a paintbrush.
The screen of the smartphone becomes the Table of the Law, just to remind us how much in our contemporaneity the web is the sovereign judge, with the infinite window opened by the internet and from personal and collective exposure on social media.

However, this blindfolded goddess sees us very well, daughter of her time and participant in the most innovative and avant-garde dynamics. As has been the case for centuries, she does so through art.
She holds a paintbrush in her hand but she "dresses up" in digital.
She paints herself but she does it on a screen and even more she decides to (re)paint herself.
She gives herself possibilities of change, and of reincarnation. She lives and will live again every time she is reborn in one of her REMIXes.
She is a wise and brash goddess, just and defiant.
It is she who pursues what in millennia has caused research and death, poisoning and discovery: the elixir of eternal life. She is on her way to open discussion and dialogue, keeping alive the intellectual confrontation that has kept societies all over the world thriving and towards the future.
This work of Hackatao - which manifests itself through the two faces of her soul, physical and digital - wants to start and trace the way to the discussion on copyright in the digital art world, with the collaboration of the law firm Piselli & Partners.
Therefore, it wants to represent a starting point and a use case for the law firm's proposal of new copyright enforcement regulations and ideas, through art itself in the form of artwork.
To do so, the artists propose that the artwork itself be part of a real experiment that can lead to further developments and advances in this field, specifically referring to the world of digital art certified through blockchain technology (crypto art). 
To support this, a special fil rouge that will accompany the whole project and live even further: the Dynamic Token. A token that is mutable in time, changes its data; an artwork in constant evolution and recognizing in its royalties the ownership of the different actors which participate in this process of creation.​​​​​​​
The Hackatao duo expresses its position regarding the particular phenomenon of "remix" in art, proposing themselves that this work is "remixed": "REMIX ME". This experiment is also intended to analyze how the sharing of the work and the widespread use of the same among a greater number of users can increase its value. Not only commercial - a simple consequence - but above all artistic, referring to this process as a true ARTISTIC OPERATION.
Where the rights stand in all of this, we will find out through the proposal of the law firm, the response of the crypto community and the discussion that will be opened among the various existing platforms. But above all through the reaction and the "gesture" of those who see first and far: the artists.​​​​​​​
Eleonora Brizi
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How it worked 
The phenomenon of remixes has always been very controversial in the history of art. 
Today, in the world of digital art, it is even more questionable. 
REMIX ME was not a simple art project; it was an experiment, a collective effort to open the discussion about the past, present and future of copyright and ownership. ​​​​​​​
It was very simple: you remix us, we remix you.

Velázquez / Picasso

Giacometti  /  John Baldessarri 

Rogers  /  Koons

The Call of
Hackatao issued 3 invitations to artists from all corners of the NFT creative universe to remix their work.
Each call worked like this:

Submission of works by the artists

Selection of works

Creation of a Remix by Hackatao using elements taken from the selected works 

Auction on MP of Hackatao's new Remix (+call artists) and the selected works.

The proceeds were divided between the organisers, the collector and the artists selected for the project.
The fourth and final remix - Omnibus, the last remix of the remixes, containing elements of the entire route, a truly great crypto-artistic collaboration - was offered to collectors who believed in the project.
We had a special fil rouge: the Dynamic Token - a revolutionary, technological feature that adds a unique element to the project.
Every time Hackatao created a new version of Remix-Me, the metadata of the Dynamic Token transformed.
The token is a mirror to the process of collaboration and remixing, constantly evolving.
Subsequently, when the collective artwork changed and new artists were involved, they were added to the Dynamic Token's smart contract for revenue and royalties.
The collectors of the token understood that the artwork would change and that it is not in their hands to decide how - artistic freedom.
The RemixMe organisers, therefore, recognized a % to the collector, who made his/her WORK available to Hackatao, so that further NFTs independent from the Dynamic Token could derive from it.
If the collector decided to sell the Dynamic Token, he/she would continue to receive the same % on the sales of the NFTs of the collective works issued before the sale. For each NFT issued after the sale, the buyer of the Dynamic Token would take over.
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On March 9th, 2023, the remix me project came to its conclusion at the MEET Centre in Milan, where the final creation - REMIX OF REMIXES #4 - OMNIBUS was showcased and all those that were a part of the history of the collaboration were appreciated in real time.
The partners of the project were present, all speaking about Remix-Me from their unique artistic point of view and about the innovation of the project such as the dynamic token and the current state of copyright, royalties and collaborative approach  within the world of Crypto Art.

The discussion towards progress and enhancement, fully supported by technology, must continue.
We are edging ever closer to being able to remix the collective consciousness.
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