Why conform when you can subvert?
Free expression brings out your true self.
Queens+Kings is Hackatao’s artistic exploration of the PFP scene by subverting the rules, in collaboration with NFT Studios, supported by Sotheby's and the Hackatao community.
The project was born at the end of 2021 when 6900 Queens+Kings were algorithmically generated.

There are four Queens+Kings collections on OpenSea, each fulfilling a different purpose:
QUEENS+KINGS LAB BY HACKATAO where all the hackable Q+Ks are
QUEENS+KINGS BY HACKATAO for the definitive frozen avatars
QUEENS+KINGS TRAITS where all the traits to compose Q+Ks can be found
QUEENS+KINGS GENESIS dedicated to the Q+Ks in their original form - before the hacking of the collectors, those that remind us how we were and where we were
The collectors become co-creators and the avatar's features (eyes, mouth, crown, hair...) can be changeD. This is referred to as Hacking.
An example of hacking took place during the FREEDOM season, featuring traits inspired by the theme of LGBT rights and the expression of genderless Q+Ks. The traits from this season and the Queen were preserved and auctioned, ultimately raising 39 ETH, which was entirely donated to OutRight International.

You can experiment with creating your own royal using the SIMULATOR to see how different traits can alter the character.
When the collector feels they have created the best version of their Royal, they can use the Freezing Tool, introduced in 2022, in addition to gaining worldwide commercial rights to their avatar they can use their Q+K for any derivative work, for profit or not. Here are some examples of the opportunities for the frozen, where Hackatao urged/ are urging community members to see their Q+Ks as a lot more than ‘just’ PFP Avatars:
The Sandbox x Q+K playable assets
Usable characters within The Sandbox that were created from an invitation to the Queens+Kings community where they were asked to imagine their Royal as a trans-dimensional character and then hack their royal to match their vision and freeze them in order for the transformation to occur.
Usable characters within The Sandbox that were created from an invitation to the Queens+Kings community where they were asked to imagine their Royal as a trans-dimensional character and then hack their royal to match their vision and freeze them in order for the transformation to occur.
Bang & Olufsen DNA collection
Hackatao were invited to collaborate with the legendary audio technologists and chose to involve the Queens+Kings community.
Six collectors were selected for the project based on their hacking abilities, with the aim of sharing visibility and profits of the project with the community.
Hackatao were invited to collaborate with the legendary audio technologists and chose to involve the Queens+Kings community.
Six collectors were selected for the project based on their hacking abilities, with the aim of sharing visibility and profits of the project with the community.

Short Animated Movies
Currently in production, with an expected launch in 2025, Hackatao put out a casting call, where frozen Royals will be brought to life from the depths of Hackatao and their community’s collective creative psyche to tell stories ranging the entire spectrum of experience, always with the journey of Crypto Art in mind.
Currently in production, with an expected launch in 2025, Hackatao put out a casting call, where frozen Royals will be brought to life from the depths of Hackatao and their community’s collective creative psyche to tell stories ranging the entire spectrum of experience, always with the journey of Crypto Art in mind.

Hackatao embraced the web3 ethos of the online call/meeting functionality, that allows users to remain anonymous and artistic at the same time. They donated two Q+Ks for everyone to use as well as inviting members of the Hackatao Discord community to freeze Royals to be selected and added to the roster of available Queens+Kings avatars on Faceless.
Hackatao embraced the web3 ethos of the online call/meeting functionality, that allows users to remain anonymous and artistic at the same time. They donated two Q+Ks for everyone to use as well as inviting members of the Hackatao Discord community to freeze Royals to be selected and added to the roster of available Queens+Kings avatars on Faceless.

The Burning tool was introduced in 2023, and with its flames came a decrease in the total amount of Q+Ks. It allows collectors to burn bases and traits, reducing the scale of the project, increasing the value all the while accumulating points and participating in a competition for a limited edition reward, created by Hackatao.
The Burning tool was introduced in 2023, and with its flames came a decrease in the total amount of Q+Ks. It allows collectors to burn bases and traits, reducing the scale of the project, increasing the value all the while accumulating points and participating in a competition for a limited edition reward, created by Hackatao.
Queens+Kings is an ever-evolving project.
The realm operates in Seasons, with an aim to release new tools for the project, host contests, giveaways and bring new opportunities to the community members.
The realm operates in Seasons, with an aim to release new tools for the project, host contests, giveaways and bring new opportunities to the community members.
Season 1 - The Introduction
the minting and hacking release where collectors could start altering their royals as they wish and create their own vision as co creators!
the minting and hacking release where collectors could start altering their royals as they wish and create their own vision as co creators!
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Season 2 - Rainbow Freedom
the season centred around Pride celebration and the genderless expressive ethos of Queens+Kings.
the season centred around Pride celebration and the genderless expressive ethos of Queens+Kings.
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Season 3 - Building the Metaverse
the start of the new realm subversion and exploration with the introduction of the freezing tool, that allows Royals to take control of their creative future in any world.
the start of the new realm subversion and exploration with the introduction of the freezing tool, that allows Royals to take control of their creative future in any world.
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Season 4 - Royal Rumours
a time where the tight knit community used the power of freezing to break boundaries with high profile collaborations and present the essence of Queens+Kings to some of the most renowned exhibitions within the crypto art world.
a time where the tight knit community used the power of freezing to break boundaries with high profile collaborations and present the essence of Queens+Kings to some of the most renowned exhibitions within the crypto art world.
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Season 5 - Meme Royale
All about the memes, where the collective consciousness was coded with the art and soul of the Q+K world.
All about the memes, where the collective consciousness was coded with the art and soul of the Q+K world.
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Season 6 - Burning Royal
The burning tool increases the value of the project, lighting a new spark in the Queens+Kings realm.
The burning tool increases the value of the project, lighting a new spark in the Queens+Kings realm.
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Season 7 - In Your Hands
The name speaks for itself, the community is invited to show their latent creativity through the muse of their Q+Ks, to embody the ethos of the project and co-create the most beautiful royals.
The name speaks for itself, the community is invited to show their latent creativity through the muse of their Q+Ks, to embody the ethos of the project and co-create the most beautiful royals.
The project is continually renewed and enriched with the passage of time and a collaborative approach.
We hope you find yourself in your Royals and that you subvert hierarchies within the collective psyche as you do.
We are all Queens+Kings